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Our Services

ETBHN Pharmacy

ETBHN Pharmacy first opened in 2004 serving 8 member centers and since have grown to 14 Community Centers, a county jail, and a local hospice. The pharmacy currently handles about 1000 prescriptions a day and mails them out directly to the clinics across Texas. They send medications to 76 clinics directly to the staff, giving the staff the opportunity to monitor compliance with their clients.

What do we offer?

Our goal is to save the centers money! To accomplish this we keep our medications down to a minimum.

Free access to website, provided by Morris & Dickson, www.mdcares.net which includes:

  • Patient Assistance Program (PAP) application wizard to expedite the PAP process.

  • Track medications at the pharmacy and at the clinic.

  • Your staff has the ability to monitor all medications, including your samples.

  • Report builder for annual reports needed for documentation.

  • Free shipping to clinics.

  • The pharmacy will maintain and rotate your PAP stock to prevent expiration problems for you.

  • $1.00 filling fees for full price prescriptions and $5.00 PAP dispensing fees.

  • Free training for your staff with continued support training the entire time you are with us.

If you would like any information about our pharmacy, please contact Laura Steelman at 936-633-5634.